Who We Are
We exist as part of national efforts in order to educate the whole nation’s life, to develop capabilities, to form characters, and also to endorse civilization of our nation’s dignity as well as obliged by The Republic of Indonesia Constitution 1945, which is derived into the national Low No. 20 year 2003 regarding the National Education System and also the Law No. 12 Year 2012 regarding The Higher Education in Indonesia. Therefore, at the end of Year 2016, we established Yayasan Bangkit Anak Negeriku (YBANK Foundation) which concerns with social and educational charity. This foundation is aimed to set up a higher educational institute. Then by challenging ourselves into some complicated terms and conditions regarding how to establish a new college, fortunately we got the government official permission from The Ministry of Research and Technology and Higher Education of Republic of Indonesia (Menristek Dikti) under the name of Polytechnic eLBajo Commodus which is located in Labuan Bajo, Manggarai Barat Regency.
Polytechnic eLBajo Commodus is aimed to develop the students’ potency to become educated, faithful and piety to God, noble morals, heathy, knowledge, smart, creative and innovative, independent, and responsible human resources in order to participate in developing our country.
We realize that to prepare the future of our nation is the responsibility of all Indonesian people, so under the grace of our God, YBANK Foundation is determined to do part of the country duties by establishing campus Polytechnic eLBajo Commodus in order to prepare the next national generation especially in West Manggarai Regency.
The following list is our first step by conducting 6 main Study Programs:
- Associate Degree in Hotel Management
- Associate Degree in International Marketing Management
- Associate Degree in Tax Accounting
- Associate Degree in Hotel
- Associate Degree in Ecotourism
- Associate Degree in Information Technology
- Produce intellectuals of Labuan Bajo who think and act on scientific principles, believe, are cultured and creative.
- Able to apply science and technology, develop self-capacity and be able to play an effective role as a graduate of Vocational Diploma Three Study Program (Associate Expert / A.Md.).
- Able to improvise and develop innovation and application of science graduates of Vocational Diploma 4 (Applied / S.Tr.).
- Produce researchers and thinkers who are able to develop and create new technologies (the advancement of knowledge) in a sustainable manner.
- Commercialize the results of research and actions to be used for productive and economic activities.
Polytechnic eLBajo Commodus is baselined to Pancasila and The 1945 Constitution and Law No. 20/2003. Polytechnic eLBajo Commodus is aimed to be professional in learning and training concerning tourism and is oriented to create qualified education and skilled outputs.

Noviana HalimChief Of Fondations
Bangkit Anak NegeriKu

Prof. Dr. I Nengah Dasi Astawa, M.SiDirector
Politeknik eLBajo Commodus

Andy Iwan Iswanto, SS., M.PdDeputy Director
Politeknik eLBajo Commodus

Septian Hutagalung, S.P., M.Sc.Chief Of Study Program
Diploma III Ekowisata

Maria B.R. Wellalangi, M.PdChief Of Study Program
Diploma III Perhotelan

Gregorius A. Berybe, M.ParChief Of Study Program
Sarjana Terapan Pengelolaan Perhotelan

Fitri Ciptosari, S.Tr. Par., M.SiChief Of Study Program
Sarjana Terapan Manajemen Pemasaran Internasional

Ondi Asroni, M.KomChief Of Study Program
Diploma III Teknologi Informasi

Ni Wayan Noviana Safitri, S.E., M.SiChief Of Study Program
Sarjana Terapan Akuntansi Perpajakan